10 November 2010

Mandy and Jason | July 10, 2010

What an awesome couple! From what I gather Jason is a bit of a jokester....
One of my favourite parts of the evening was when they played a game where Mandy was blindfolded and people lined up and she had to guess which man was her husband by feeling their backsides. There were a variety of people in this line up including groomsmen, the father in law, and even a sister in law. The best part was when she came to Jason and knew for sure she picked the right behind...but while she was taking her blind fold off Jason and her brother switched places!!

Here are some more images from their beautiful wedding day!!


Mandy Novosky 12 November 2010 at 17:01  

thanks Crystal for the funny blog...Jay is a jokester for sure haha...what a great day and thanks for all of your hard work and great pictures that you took:)

Antalyics Google

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